Hemispatial neglect

Do you believe what you see, exactly as you see it?

This video is a collaboration between myself and Seyeong Yoon, a video director from South Korea based in London.

Hemispatial Neglect is a rare neuropsychological condition where damage to one hemisphere of the brain leads to a deficit in attention and awareness of one side of the field of vision. Inspired by my grandfather's struggle with this condition, we created this unique project. The knitted construction displays bilateral asymmetry, with one side representing the world as we typically perceive it and the other side portraying a distorted and controversial reality.

Through intense self-experimentation, I aimed to empathize with the condition. This project crosses boundaries to effectively communicate the experience and provide an artistic perspective on the subject.

This project was a reappraisal for me to deal with the situation I experienced.

Drawing from this ensemble, we challenge the audience: ‘Do you believe what you see, exactly as you see it?’ Just as with Hemispatial Neglect patients, what one perceives as reality may be distorted. We raise philosophical questions about truth and perception, urging a reconsideration of what we take for granted. Is seeing truly believing?




forever dolphin love