The Choleric/Sanguine + feel character

wood, wire, plaster, acrylic, paper, mixed textiles.

3m x 2,90m

Føle-Tunne are the guardians of the group. They are attentive and careful and care gratefully for the secret society. They’re connection is deep, but their fights are like a force of nature.

Their relationship is unique and full of emotions: loud, free and individual, like the characters themselves. Føle is Danish and means ‘feel’ just like Tunne who is Estonian.

Tunne is the choleric character. They wear a fluffy and fiery red Jacket. The fakefur lining is very long and feels fantastic. Their knit trousers are made of alpaca and combine both characters in shape and pattern. The alpaca knit is very special and unsurpassed in softness. Both characters love their heart-shaped bag, they divided it into two during their last fight. Now it’s a broken heart bag.

Føle the sanguine character has a sunny yellow jacket with reflective drawstrings. Føle’s jacket is underneath Tunne’s jacket, showing the relationship between both. Tunne is much more dominant than Føle.